quarta-feira, 30 de abril de 2008

Teresa of Calcuta

The fruit of faith is love
and the fruit of love is service

The apostolate of smiling

Just a little on your lips;
Cheers your Herat
Keeps you in good humor
Preserves pease in your soul
Promotes your health
Induces kindly thoughts
Inspires kindly deeds

Smile to your self
Until you notice that your constant seriosness,
Ore ven severity has vanished

Smile To your self
Until you have warmed your owned heat with the sunhine of your cheery countenance
Then……go out and radiate your smile.

That smile….
Has work to do…work to do for God

You are na apostle now, and your smile is your instrument for winning souls

Sanctifying grace dwilling in your soul will give the special charm to your smile which will render it productive of much good;

SMILE… on the lonely faces
SMILE… on the timid faces
SMILE… on the sorrowful faces
SMILE… on the sickly faces
SMILE… on the fresh young faces
SMILE… on the wrinkled old faces
SMILE… on the familiar faces of your family and friends
Let all enjoy the beauty and inspiring cheers of your smiling face

confidence in the hearths of others. These good disposition always give birth to unselfish acts and noble deeds. The influence of your smile is spreading, though you do not always see the wonders it is working

Your smile…can bring new life and hope and courage into the hearths of the weary, the overburdened, the discouraged, the tempted, the despairing.

Your smile.. can help develop vocations, if you are a preast, a brother or a sister

Your smile…can be the beginning of conversion to the faith and can prepare the way for a sinner s return to God
Your smile.. can win for you a host of devoted friends.

Smile, too, at God….
Smile that God in loving acceptance of whatever He send in to your life, and you Hill merit to have the radiantly smiling FACE of Christ gaze on you with special love throughout eternity.

quinta-feira, 17 de abril de 2008


God, my Father, You have promised to remain forever with those who do what
is just and right. Help me to live in Your presence. The loving plan of Your Wisdom was made known when Jesus, your Son, became man like us. I want to obey His commandment of love and bring Your peace and joy to others. Keep before me the wisdom and love You have made known in Your Son. Help me to be like Him in word and deed.