segunda-feira, 26 de outubro de 2009

Crime is on the increase in every City throughout the world...

Lord I see how children have turned against parents because they try to teach them what is right, I see rebellion in children, young people and grown ups.
Crime is on the increase in every city throughout the world, all laws are despised and your laws are totally ignored. There is corruption even inside governments and most people will do evil at the cost of others.
Lord there is no love, no faith and no conscience. You have asked us to keep Sundays your holy day, but not even Christians put this into effect, Sunday is a day of entertainment and total forgetfulness of you, our Creator. Only a few remember you and obey your laws.
Lord, as I look around, I see how this humanity has become very evil. I see how life has lost its value, human life is destroyed even in its most vulnerable state inside the womb by the sin of abortion and countless horrible experiments destroy human embryos and ignore the gift of life in that humble stage.
The gift of human life is controlled by contraceptives, sterilization and mutilation. New life is unwelcome while the elderly run the risk of having their lives cut short by euthanasia, which is so widely accepted.
Lord, have mercy on us...

quinta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2009

I come to adore You Lord

I want to worship you and adore you,
to love you with all my heart, with all my mind,
with all my soul and with all my strength.

I want to burn with desire for you like an angel.
I need you my Lord, I am nothing without you.
I ask you to raise me before your Glory.

Shine your light upon me,
allow me to walk with you and always do your Holy Will ,
protect me and bless me O Merciful Lord.

Fill me with your Holy Spirit,
grant me peace, love and joy.
Heal me, bless me and sanctify me O Lord;
make me a blessing for all those around me.

O my GOD

O my God
because you are infinite goodness
and worthy of infinite
I love you with all my whle heart above all things
and for love of you
I love my fellow-men as myself...

quarta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2009

...the beauty...

(Foto de Kenz, SVD, Trims bos)
you show me your love
through the beauty of sky
through high of the montain
through the singin of the birth
You are here, through the silence of the day
through the smile of people
through the tender voice oh the wind...
I love You Lord...
(Casal de Cambra, 21-10-2009)

terça-feira, 20 de outubro de 2009


Yesus yang penuh kasih
syukur dan pujian
dari lubuk hatiku yang terdalam
buatMu di taman surgawi

Syukur dan terima kasihku
kunyatakan bagiMu
atas segala rahmat dan kesetiaanMu
yang senantiasa menyertai
setiap langkah hidupku

kasihMu yang telah memanggil aku
yang telah mengikat aku
kasihMu yang senantiasa melingdungi aku
dalam suka maupun duka

Terima kasih untuk
yang Tunggl
yang indah
yang sempurna
yang pasti
yang benar
yang abadi
yang penuh damai

Syukur bagiMu dan pujian
bersama Bapa
dalam Roh Kudus
kini dan sepnjang

quinta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2009

We are here Lord

You are all our joy
today we heve begotten You

quarta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2009


Bila keheningan, baik keheningan lahiriah maupun batiniah telah tercapai, maka aku akan melangkah dan mulai berjalan masuk untuk mengelilingi ruang hatiku.
Masuk ke dalam keheningan hatiku bukanlah tertidur melainkan justru berjaga, lebih meningkatkan kesadaran. Dalam kesadaran melangkah mengelilingi hatiku, aku akan menjumpai diriku.
Aku seperti berkeliling di sebuah ruangan yang berdinding cermin. Kearah manapun aku menatap, aku akan memandang diriku. Aku menemukan diriku dan mengenalinya.
Aku yang memiliki banyak kekurangan dan kelemahan. Aku yang ternyata memiliki keinginan-keinginan yang tidak teratur dan dosa-dosa.

Dalam kebebasan untuk berjalan-jalan di ruang batinku sendiri itu, aku pun akan mulai menyapu debu-debu keangkuhan, masa bodoh, iri hati dan kebencian yang melekat pada lantai ruang hatiku; menyingkirkan keinginan-keinginan tak teratur yang berserakan di ruang batinku; mengelap kaca dinding jiwaku yang suram karena kepicikan agar jernih dan memiliki kepekaan serta cinta dan pada akhirnya disana akan dilahirkan kehidupan baru - manusia baru; manusia yang mawas diri dan berusaha selalu untuk melepaskan diri dari keterikatan-keterikatan yang tidak perlu.

Di dalam keheningan ada begitu banyak hal dapat dialami.
Di dalam keheningan ada kepenuhan.

terça-feira, 13 de outubro de 2009

I love you and I bless you

Jesus: Yes my child I am here, I am in love with my creation, I have given my life for everyone of you. I continue to knock on everyone’s heart until they hear the message of my love which is to repent and to come to the God who loves you. So, proclaim the good news of my kingdom, tell them of my love for them. I love you and I bless you.

It is by my Love...

Jesus: It is by my love that you exist, it is by my Love that the whole creation exists.
Whenever you remember that you are alive, whenever you think of existence, think of my Love.
If I withdrew my love from creation it would disappear.
My Holy Spirit binds everything in my Love.
So for this reason you must love me.
This is my commandment, love me and glorify me