sábado, 25 de julho de 2009

EU SOU A LUZ DO MUNDO... ( Jo. 8;12)

Jesus Cristo é a Lus do mundo. Estamos nas trevas quando não pensamos como Ele. Ele deu a luz a muitos cegos para mostrar que sara a nossa cegueira espiritual. Fácil é deixar-se enganar por pensamentos que não são os de Cristo. Porque é mais fácil e gostoso pensar no que nos agrada.
Há muitos que divinizam o próprio pensar. Não pensam como Cristo. Se eu lesse com frequência a Sagrada Escritura e recordasse as explicações que me são oferecidas pelos livros, pelos superiores, pela Igreja...pensaria como Jesus!
Frequentemente, as trevas começam no coração. Não entende aquele que não quer entender. E não se quer entender quando de permeio há desejos diferentes. Não se pode entender a obediência nem sacrifício nem a humildade...pela simples razão de se não amar desinteressadamente Deus e o próximo. Primeiro há que limpar o coração de tantos caprichos e egoísmo...
E só então conhecerei Cristo...
Que sejamos fieís de transmitir a Luz de Cristo para todos que necessitam a Luz de Cristo para a sua caminhada cristã...

quarta-feira, 22 de julho de 2009

Feeding of the five thousand

Year B - 17th Sunday in ordinary time
Feeding of the five thousand
John 6:1-15

God is a God full of surprises. That day a great crowd had gathered, many attracted out of curiosity, others with the spiritual need to see the new prophet perform his miracles and reveal his new ideas. My miracles had made impact in many minds, they had realized that I had a new teaching which was accompanied by supernatural signs, some commented that I could be Elijah, others the Messiah, but people were not sure, however the spirit brought them to that place.

My apostles had no idea of how we were going to feed the multitude that was hungry after following me. I looked up to heaven, took the loaves and the fishes that they gave me, I gave thanks to my Father and asked Him for food for them, then I advised them to lie down and wait for their turn to eat, after that, they all ate and there were even twelve baskets filled with the leftovers. People after realizing what a great miracle had occurred, wanted to make me their King by force; I had to run away from that place. I came not so much to feed the body, but the soul, this multiplication of the loaves and the fishes is a symbol of the eucharistic multiplication of the bread of life that I have come to offer, the food for the soul that God sends from Heaven in abundance. Many were expecting a powerful king that would free them from the slavery of the Roman Empire, when they saw my prodigies they imagined many material things except that I was going to free them from the slavery of sin.

All my miracles were temporary signs that would bring a special relief from those moments or situations, but they represented healings of the soul. The change of the water into wine represented the new wine, which is living water of the Spirit, which all those who are spiritually thirsty must drink. The blind that received their sight represented those who are blind in the spirit and need to open their eyes to see my way, the lepers who were healed represented the souls wounded by sin and who need my healing, the mute who were able to speak represented those who don’t speak with God and need the spirit in order to praise God, the paralytic and the lame who were able to walk represent those who can not walk well for lack of faith and who need spiritual health. The deaf who were able to hear represented those who have not been able to understand my word, but who listen finally to my message through the action of my Spirit.
Those who were dead and brought to life represented the transformation of the soul who is dead because of sin, but who is brought to life again after a conversion. Now, the multiplication of the loaves and the fishes represented the multiplication of my Church, the great promised banquet, the new manna which has come down from heaven and is the new food for the people of God. This miracle was a preparation for my people, who are to feel hunger for the Bread of Life, who has come down from Heaven to give strength to the soul, this miracle was a preparation for the greatest miracle which I performed, at the Holy Supper, in which I consecrated the bread as my body, and the wine as my blood.

All miracles prior to the institution of the Holy Eucharist fulfilled their purpose, however my living bread is the continuous miracle that represents my sacrifice in Calvary, it is the food of the soul that feeds my people until the end of times. Come, come, I invite you, eat of this food that has been sent from heaven, it does not cost you money, it fills the soul, it nourishes the spirit and purifies it of sin by giving it eternal life.

terça-feira, 21 de julho de 2009

Dia yang Tunggal Berbicara lewat CiptaaNya

Berdiamlah dan mendengarkan suaraNya dari yang Tunggal
Bunga teruntai dan ikan-ikan di air
dan apa yang didengarkan
bawalah untuk masa kemudian

Bagai bunga yang berkembang
maka jadilah seperti bunga untuk menghiasi
taman panggilan ini
biarkanlah keindahan yang ada
dinikmati juga oleh sesama yang lain...

Dia yang Tunggal
berbicara lewat kesunyian hidup
keindahan alam
senyuman yang manis
sapaan yang penuh simpati...

Tinggalah dalam kasihKu

sábado, 18 de julho de 2009

He has made everithing beautiful in its time (Eccl.3:11)

Recall a special moment
A joy that brings a tear,
There´s nothing like sweet little things
To show that God is near

Reming me, Lord, to take a break
And spend some time in prayer,
For You´re the best friend I shall know,
And always, ever, there.

Each day You Live

God is Love
God´s garden is a place of Faith, where all the flowers dwell
God´s garden is a place of hope
Where all the flowers vie

Each color comes alive

Each day you live be grateful
You are alive anothr day
Take time to gather flowers,
In abundance, o give away.
Give flowers to the living
We were taught long ago...
Speak while they can hear you,
If you love them tell them so
God love each one the same.
Do what you can for others,
he knows when we pass them by.
Never leave kind words unspoken,
Greet each day will grow briighter
Each day more wortwhile.
(By Ranza Devereaux)
If we love one another,
God lives in us. 1Jonh 4:12)


(Jesus diz; Eu vim trazer fogo à terra e que quero eu senão que ele arda' (Lc, 12,49)
O fogo de Jesus Cristo é o amor ao próximo. O homem quando se ama a si até ao ponto de esquecer-se de Deus, destoí-se num suicídio. Quando ama a Deus até desprazer o seu egoísmo, constrói a cidade de Deus, edifica de pedras vivas no amor.
Todos nós construímos e destruímos. Tudo depende do amor ou do egoísmo.

Deus fez-se Homem para semear o amor. É a paixão de cristo. ser cristão significa amar. E amar é dar-se como Deus quer e como o próximo necessita. Não apenas como a mim agrada ou aos outros.

( O nosso mundo)
Naquele tempo, disse Jesus aos seus discípulos: “Agora, parto para aquele que me enviou, e nenhum de vós me pergunta: ‘Para onde vais?’ Mas, porque vos disse isto, a tristeza encheu os vossos corações. No entanto, eu vos digo a verdade: É bom para vós que eu parta; se eu não for, não virá até vós o Defensor; mas, se eu me for, eu vo-lo mandarei. E quando vier, ele demonstrará ao mundo em que consistem o pecado, a justiça e o julgamento: o pecado, porque não acreditaram em mim; a justiça, porque vou para o Pai, de modo que não mais me vereis; e o julgamento, porque o chefe deste mundo já está condenado”.
(João 16,5-11)
Receber o Espírito Santo significa nascer de novo.
João 3:5-7 “Jesus respondeu: Em verdade, em verdade te digo que se alguém não nascer da água e do Espírito, não pode entrar no reino de Deus. O que é nascido da carne é carne, e o que é nascido do Espírito é espírito. Não te admires de eu te haver dito: Necessário vos é nascer de novo.”

João 7:18 “Quem fala por si mesmo busca a sua própria glória; mas o que busca a glória daquele que o enviou, esse é verdadeiro, e não há nele injustiça.”
O mundo se lhes apresenta como um adversário formidável e, sem Jesus, sentem-se indefesos diante do mundo. Para Jesus, entretanto, a presença e a ajuda do Espírito farão mais bem aos discípulos do que a sua própria presença física. Enquanto se apóiam nesta presença física, jamais aprenderão a assumir sua plena responsabilidade nem terão a própria autonomia que surge da convicção interior. Convém-lhes que se vá, para poderem agir por si mesmos sob o impulso do Espírito.

O mundo ou o sistema injusto se ergueu em juiz de Jesus e o condenou como a um criminoso. O Espírito vai abrindo de novo o processo para pronunciar a sentença contrária. Os que se fizeram juízes são os culpados; o condenado por eles tinha a razão de sua parte e, em conseqüência, o sistema que se atreveu a cometer semelhante injustiça, está condenado por Deus.

O mundo se resumia aqui no círculo dirigente que condenou a Jesus. Seu pecado é “o pecado do mundo”, que consiste em impedir a realização do projeto do criador, reprimindo ou suprimindo a vida; esse pecado alcançou sua máxima expressão na rejeição de Jesus, o doador da vida.

sexta-feira, 17 de julho de 2009


Não temas, pequenino rebanho, porque foi agrado do vosso Pai dar-vos o reino. (Lc, 12,32)
Jesus afirma-nos que o pai nos ama e nos quer salvar. Deus não nos criou para nos condenar mas para nos salvar e sermos felizes.
Só se fica triste quendo se não respeita a vontade do Senhor.
Há sempr um motivo para me sentir feliz.Deus ama-me. Estou sempre alegre e alegro a vida dos outros...?

Year B - 16th Sunday in ordinary time

He had compassion and began to teach them many things. Mark 6:30-34
How beautiful it is for me to listen to the soul that comes humbly to disclose his life to me, even though I already know it, there is certain attraction in that littleness that sweetens my ear, it is the simplicity of heart that attracts me and fills me with joy. Just as a child comes to his mother to tell her stories to her delight, so I delight by listening happily to the complaints, the achievements and the hopes of every soul.

Let the children come to me, because the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs, I say it again, oh, if they all came to me like little children, if they could change their hearts of stone for the infantile tenderness, the whole world would change. As a child listens attentively to the instruction of his parents, so I listen to the soul that comes to me with humility. I am the Great Master of the Soul; he who desires my teaching must share his life with me, must put all his trust in me and listen attentively in order to learn.

It is notorious to see how young people come to a state of mental maturity when they reject the teachings of their parents and go against the healthy moral principals they accepted in their previous innocence. It is very sad to see how this change from child to adult, brings to a false security against the good teachings of infancy.

In the same way, the soul of a child learns to know God innocently and with a faith without barriers, thereafter comes intellectualism and the examples of the world to destroy those strong foundations of the spiritual life. For this reason, the soul has to be shaken in order to understand that it has come out of the way, then my Spirit claims incessantly until some understand my call and decide to change.

The advice I gave to my disciples was to search for moments of silence to be in prayer. I practiced this and gave them example, I taught them that the Kingdom of heaven is within; it is there in the interior dwelling, the altar of the soul, where my Spirit speaks and listens, where the transformation of the human being occurs, where you can know me.

My voice surges in the temple of silence, in the darkness of the soul I reveal my light to those who follow my Word, “be still and know, that I am the Lord”. In order to quieten the soul, it is necessary to stay away from so many mundane events that take away time, saturate the mind and infect the heart. Moderate entertainment is good, but hunger for entertainment is gluttony that destroys the soul with insatiable passion for the world. I repeat, don’t you have at least an hour to spend with me? I am the Lord the Lord of the Sunday, the day to honor God, I claim this day to attend the Holy Mass, to dedicate it to the family and to spiritual growth. But what has it become? The same as my feasts of Holy Week and Nativity, Sundays are days dedicated to the gods of the world and to offend me with indifference.

This is the reason why so many souls cannot quieten down and enjoy the privileges of the saints, this is why my word is dispersed like seeds that fall on the rocks, they cannot thrive.
However, I have nothing against anyone, I wait eagerly the return of each soul, I happily give my teachings to those who want to listen to me, I am the Good Shepherd, the Teacher who waits punctually for his pupils, all are invited, come, learn from me, be humble as I am humble, do not despise the gift that I am offering.