quinta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2009

Almighty God

Almighty God, as we come to the end of the this year, (2009) we thank you for all the blessings and benefits that this year has brought. May we never forget the privilege of being part of mission and our life.
Please bless those who are leaving us at the end of this term, pupils and staff. Be with them, guide them and protect them as they move on to new beginnings elsewhere.
Finally, we ask your blessing on each of us. We pray for our families, and for all those with whom we’ll spend time this year of 2009. Keep us all safe, and give us refreshment and renewal in the weeks ahead.

sexta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2009


Jesus, neste momento queremos Te amar mais do que todo.
Viemos para falar contigo, Tu és o nosso grande amigo.

Queremos caminhar junto e crescermos junto na nossa fé.
Juntos, avançaremos para repartir o pão da amizade.

Gloria ao Pai, ao Filho, e ao Espírito Santo
Como era no princípio agora e na honra da nossa morte AMEM.


Deus é Criador do Céu e da Terra.
Deus é Criador e Senhor de todas as coisas.

Deus é o nosso Criador.
Ele é o nosso Pai, e com um coração de mãe.

Ele deu-nos a vida.
Deus que o nosso Pai conhece cada um de nós pelo nome.
Ele ama cada um de nós. Ele cuida de nós.

O nosso nome está escrito na palma de mão de Deus.

Encontro dos jovens timorenses preparação para festa do Natal

Um grupo dos jovens timornses tiveram um encontro de preparação para festa do Natal com Ir. Mendes.

quinta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2009


As memórias de D. Carlos Ximenes Belo

No dia 2 de Abril pelas 21.37 h. falecia no Vaticano Sua Santidade o Papa João Paulo II. Este Papa natural da Polonia terá sempre o seu nome ligado a Timor-Leste. De facto o Papa João Paulo II visitou Timor-Leste nodia 12 de Outubro de 1989.Nesse memorável dia,o Santa Padre esteve apenas quatro horas na capital timorense. Chegou ao aeroporto de Comoro, pelas 10.00 h, e regressou a Jakarta pelas 14.00 h . Nesse breve espaço de tempo, Sua Santidade benzeu a Catedral da Imaculada Conceição, em Vila Verde; falou aos Bispos e sacerdotes; rezou a Missa em Tacitolu para cerca de cem mil timorenses, provenientes de todas as partes de Timor e deixou palavras de esperança e de conforto aos Timorenses, que nessa ocasião ainda viviam sob o domínio da Indonésia. Com a sua breve visita a Dili, o Papa João Paulo II colocou no mapa mundial este pequeno País, cujo povo vinha vivendo anos de sofrimento e de opressão.

Na homilia desse dia 12 de Outubro, apelou para o respeito pelos direitos da família , falou da concórdia, paz e amor, e apelou aos católicos timorenses para ser tornarem na Ásia, “ sal da terra e luz do mundo”. A nível eclesial, foi Ele quem dividiu a diocese de Dili, erigindo a nova Diocese de Baucau, em 1996. Foi ainda Ele quem nomeou pela primeira vez, na história religiosa de Timor-Leste, bispos nativos, nas pessoas de Mons. Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo (1988), Mons. Basílio do Nascimento ( 1997) e Mons. Alberto Ricardo da Silva (2004). No ano de 1991, aquando do massacre de centenas de jovens que se manifestavam pacificamente, no Cemitério de Santa Cruz, em Dili, o Papa, na sua solicitude paternal para com o Povo Timorense, enviou um representante na pessoa do Arcebispo Giovanni de Andrea, para ver a situação in loco, e dirigiu palavras de conforto ás famílias das vítimas. No ano 1999, durante os acontecimentos do famoso Setembro negro, Sua Santidade enviou uma carta de apoio e de solidariedade aos dois

Administradores Apostólicos de Baucau e de Dili,e no dia 13 de Setembro, recebia na sua residência de verão, em Castel Gandolfo, o então Administrador Apostólico de Dili, que lhe lhe solicitava uma intervenção junto dos Estados Unidos da America e das Nações Unidas , com a finalidade de enviar uma força internacional de paz a Timor-Leste para proteger as populações indefesas. No dia das celebrações da independência de Timor-Leste, a 20 de Maio de 2002 ,enviou um representante especial na pessoa do então Arcebispo , e hoje cardeal Renato Martini, para presidir à Eucaristia em Tacitolu.

A propósito da Independência o Santo Padre mandaria uma mensagem belíssima aos dois Administradores Apostólicos, às Autoridades e ao povo do novo País. Em 2003, deu o seu beneplácito ao inínico da relações diplomáticas entre a Santa Sé (Estado do Vaticano) e a República Democrática de Timor-Leste, enviando para Díli, o primeiro Nuncio Apostólico, na pessoa do Arcebispo Renzo Fratini (26 de Junho de 2003). Finalmente, como último acto importante, nomeou Bispo de Dili o Monsenhor Alberto Ricardo da Silva (Março de 2004). É dever de todos os timorenses manifestarem sentimentos de gratidão ao Papa João Paulo II. Não sabemos se haverá outra ocasião para um novo Papa visitar Timor-Leste, nos próximos tempos.

Para já, o Papa João Paulo II, um Papa “vindo de longe” teve um papel preponderante no apelo à defesa e preservação da identidade religiosa, étnica, cultural e histórica do Povo Timorense. Nós os Timorenses, e particularmente os Católicos, vamos elevar ao Senhor as nossas preces pelo descanso eterno do Papa João Paulo II.

Maputo, 5 de Abril de 2005, Dom Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo

sábado, 12 de dezembro de 2009

God of all Creation

Your Presence is everywhere, my God. Although concealed, Your beauty can be sensed amid the fragrant blooms and flourishing plants, and in the stately trees with their graceful branches. Your splendor all but speaks from the lofty, towering mountains. Your generosity is seen in the fertile, smiling valleys. The vast seas, too, with their mighty tides and roaring waves proclaim Your power. Thunder and lightning of the summer storm bespeak Your majesty. The gentler waters of brook and stream reveal Your mildness and mercy. Thus, You pervade, my Lord, Your whole creation.

May all the marvels of Your Presence fill us with praise, thanksgiving, and joy. May we ever adore You the Maker, the Sustainer, and the lavish Giver of such good things. May we preserve unspoiled the glory of all You have made for our profit and enjoyment. May we enhance the flowers of the field and the birds of the air by a prompt and ready obedience to Your most holy will. This crowning gift we ask through Christ, Your Son, and our Lord. Amen.

sábado, 5 de dezembro de 2009

Adven: Minggu Kedua 2009

Barukh, 5:1-9
Mzm. 126: 1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 6
Philippians, 1:4-6, 8-11
Lukas, 3:1-6

Bacaan Injil kemukakan tentang Yohanes Pembaptis yang tampil menyiapkan umat bagi kedatangan Tuhan. Ia mengundang mereka untuk bertobat dari dosa atau menerima pengampunan. Pengampunan sebab yang datang adalah Tuhan. Tuhan yang penuh dengan belaskasih kepada orang yang berdosa. Soal berikut adalah kenapa pengampunan dan bukan yang lain? Bacaan pertama berkisah tentang Israel yang akan menerima keadilan jika mereka mau datang kepada Jahweh?

Dosa apa yang dilakukan oleh bangsa Israel memang tidak dibicarakan dalam bacaan ini namun keadilan adalah jaminan bila mereka bertobat dan kembali kepada Allah. Bahkan lebih dari itu:

“ You will be named by God forever, the peace and justice …” Barukh,

Jelas di sini bahwa keadilan hanya bisa diberikan kepada pendosa setelah ia mengakui dosa-dosa secara jujur. Sebab orang yang jujur selalu jauh dari dosa dan tidak akan mendapat hukuman oleh karena kejujurannya. Dengan kata lain, sekalipun bangsa Israel bertindak melawan Allah lewat dosa, mereka tetap akan menerima belaskasih Allah yang tampak dalam keadilan yang diberikan asal mereka jujur. Keadilan lalu menjadi imbalan atas mereka yang bertobat. Dan jelas bahwa sikap Allah bagi pendosa yang bertobat adalah keadilan yang berarti belaskasih, yang berarti cinta yang berarti keselamatan. Singkatnya, siapa yang bertobat pasti selamat dan siapa yang tidak bertobat harus berhadapan dengan pengadilan Allah.

Dalam bacaan kedua St. Paulus memuji orang-orang di Philipi yang sejak awal selalu setia mendengar pewartaan yang dikabarkan oleh Santu Paulus. Karena itu mereka mendapatkan penghormatan darinya sebagai tanda terimakasihnya. Paulus berterimakasih kepada mereka karena mereka membiarkannya (Paulus) bersaksi tentang imannya. Dan dari kesaksian itu tampak bahwa Yesus sangat mengasihinya dan membawanya kepada keselamatan.

Dari riwayat hidupnya dapat dibaca di sana bahwa Paulus memberikan kesaksian dan diterima oleh komunitas Kristen karena pertobatannya menjadi murid Kristus. Pengalaman pribadi Paulus di Damaskus mengubah hati Paulus yang kasar dan tidak toleran, menjadi lembut dan penuh dengan belaskasih Allah. Dengan kata lain, Paulus tidak menerima rahmat begitu saja. Ia berusaha mencari rahmat itu dan Yesus tampaknya tahu kebutuhannya dan akhirnya ia mendapatkannya. Itu yang membuat Paulus sangat gembira dan kegembiaraan itu bahkan meluap-luap hingga kedatangan kembali Yesus kepadanya.

“I pray always with joy in my every prayer … I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue … until the day of Christ Jesus…”

Kegembiraan Paulus lalu menjadi kegembiraan yang menjangkau juga masa depan dan masa depan itu bukan ada di tangannya tapi Yesus sendiri dan dalam diri umat yang dilayani.

Hidup baru yang dimulai Paulus bukan hanya memberikannya pertobatan untuk saat itu tapi sekaligus jaminan akan masa depan. Suatu jalan salib yang menyelamatkan sesudah melewati sebuah penantian panjang yang garang, tidak tenang, malah kacau dan penuh dengan intrik, kepalsuan, bahkan kematian. Kematian dalam Yesus yang datang kepadanya ketika hidup baru itu dimulai, membuat Paulus terus hidup dan penuh dengan harapan. Jadi harapan tumbuh pada saat di mana, Paulus merasa tidak ada harapan sama sekali. Harapan itu lalu menjadi bertambah kuat sebab harapan itu ditumbuhkan oleh seseorang yang memungkinkan suatu harapan bisa tumbuh dan bersemi. Harapan macam ini yang kemudian mendorong Paulus untuk memberikan kesaksian meskipun kemudian mati oleh kesaksiannya sendiri yang bagaikan pedang bermata dua. Tapi dengan itu Paulus berhasil menghantar umatnya kepada jalan yang benar di mana di sana hidupnya sendiri jadi taruhan.

Komitmen Paulus dapat diteruskan sebagai cara atau jalan hidup yang dipilih oleh Paulus. Jalan hidup yang diretasnya bersama Kristus. Suatu jalan hidup yang berliku namun juga di tengah jalan itu Paulus menemukan pembebasannya sendiri. Paulus menaklukan dirinya dengan bersandar pada Yesus yang membuatnya berguna lagi bukan semata-mata di mata manusia tapi juga di mata Allah. Paulus dengan itu tidak bisa dipandang lain selain bahwa penemuan diri dalam Kristus akan membawa penemuan diri yang otentik, tanpa kepalsuan, dusta, keraguan dan ketakutan apapun. Orang bebas adalah orang yang ingin bertemu dengan orang lain dan orang lain selalu ingin bertemu dengannya. Kebebasan membuat perjumpaan terjadi dan perjumpaan itu menjadi amat berharga karena mempertemukan orang-orang yang berjumpa itu untuk berjumpa dengan mereka yang absen atau tidak hadir pada saat itu.

Tak pelak lagi Paulus bisa membangun sebuah jembatan komunikasi yang intens dengan para umatnya dan juga mereka yang mungkin sama sekali belum mengenal Paulus. Nah ketika perjumpaan yang intens atau mendalam sungguh terjadi dapat dibayangkan betapa kuat dan kokoh iman dan hidup orang-orang seperti itu. Segala sesuatu di hadapan mereka jadi terang bahkan apa yang terasa mustahil di mata manusia, justru bagi mereka adalah jalan atau cara memandang hidup dan memaknainya secara baru, penuh makna dan tak akan pernah luntur dalam keadaan yang paling sulit seperti dialami Paulus.

Yohanes yang berseru di padang gurun juga benar ketika ia berucap bahwa:

“ All flesh shall see the salvation of God.”

menjadi kenyataan dalam diri orang yang percaya dan berharap. Tidak ada yang mustahil bagi mereka yang percaya dan berbakti kepada Allah. Tiada tembok pembatas di sana apalagi kelas-kelas dan standard dan ukuran hidup tertentu. Ini tidak berarti bahwa mereka hidup tanpa aturan apapun-liar dan tak terkendali. Bahkan sebaliknya hidup orang yang percaya menunjukkan kepada kita bahwa semakin intensif ketaatan kepada Tuhan semakin bebas kehidupan orang itu. Jadi aturan bukanlah soal yang penting untuk dibicarakan di sini dan selama masa ini kita diundang untuk melihat lebih jauh makna adven bukan sekadar mengikuti sebuah penanggalan liturgi gereja.

Cerita berikut mungkin menarik: Seorang anak yang selalu berhasil di sekolah bertanya kepada ibunya: “Kenapa saya mesti belajar terus-terus terutama pada waktu ujian?” Ibunya memandangnya dan berkata: “Anak! Kamu belum tahu apa yang guru akan tanya kepadamu.”Orang Kristen selalu dalam perjalan (on the way) dan siapkan diri selalu karena kita tidak tahu apa yang terjadi di masa depan. Siapa yang siapkan diri dengan baik dia akan petik hasil akhir yang baik pula. Semoga!

Oleh: Ben Wego, SVD
Of Amerika

quinta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2009

Adven: Minggu Pertama 2009

Bacaan-Bacaan:Yeremiah, 33:14-16
Mzm. 25:4-5,8-9,10,14I
Thes. 3:12-4:2
Luke, 21:25-28,34-36

Masa adven bagi kebanyakan orang disebut sebagai masa penantian atau masa persiapan kelahiran Kristus pada hari natal. Istilah ini menggambarkan sebuah keyakinan bahwa kelahiran apalagi kelahiran seorang Juru Selamat harus dipersiapkan seperti yang biasa dilakukan dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari dalam rangka menyiapkan kelahiran seorang anak dalam keluarga. Dalam tenggang waktu demikian (4 minggu) kita akan menyiapkan apa saja yang perlu. Di antaranya adalah persiapan hati kita. Dengan begitu perlu diingat juga bahwa adven mengandung nilai imperative. Kita tidak hanya menunggu dalam suatu sikap yang dingin dan pasif tapi aktif malah pro-aktif dengan kerinduan hari depan. Kita siapkan diri, kita aktif dalam melakukannya tak soal apakah persiapan itu sempurna atau tidak. Yang penting dalam suatu aktus persiapan, melakukan apa yang terbaik selalu merupakan dorongan dan alasan kenapa persiapan itu penting. Misalnya, kalau saya ingin bepergian ke suatu tempat, saya harus menyiapkan apa yang perlu selama dalam perjalanan, tinggal dan kembali. Orang yang sungguh merencanakan hal itu akan sangat senang dan gembira dan lebih banyak waktu terisi dengan kegiatan yang menyenangkan. Sebaliknya orang yang tidak siap dengan baik, akan tampak cemas, ragu atau malah tidak suka melakukan kegiatan apapun.

Adven membuat seorang Kristen aktif. Keaktifan ini dipicu juga oleh satu hal yang sangat penting yakni kelahiran Kristus. Dengan kata lain, Kristuslah yang jadi sasaran dalam masa penantian itu dan bukan sesuatu yang lain. Dapat dibayangkan di sini betapa intensif dan penting persiapan itu jika Kristuslah yang ditunggu. Kalau saya menantikan seseorang apalagi orang itu sangat penting dan mengambil bagian penting dalam hidup saya, maka bobot persiapan saya menyambut orang itu akan sangat menentukan bukan hanya tingkat kepuasaan tapi hasil yang mau dicapai sebelum, selama dan sesudah pertemuan itu terjadi. Dalam bacaan Pertama Nabi Yeremiah menegaskan hal itu kepada orang Israel tentang Tuhan yang akan datang. Yang penting dari bacaan ini adalah Dia yang akan datang itu adalah Tuhan yang menjanjikan kedatangan kepada umat Israel. Bukan sebaliknya umat Israel yang memungkinkan kedatangan itu. Dengan begitu singkat saja dapat dikatakan bahwa apakah Israel menantikan kedatangan itu atau tidak, kedatangan Tuhan tetap terjadi dan tidak bisa dibatalkan oleh siapapun dan apapun. Inilah alasan kenapa Nabi Yeremiah mengingatkan bangsa Israel untuk selalu bersiap-siap.

Dengan janji kedatangan yang tampak tidak diketahui persis oleh bangsa Israel, sudah pasti bahwa mereka harus menyiapkan diri setiap waktu atau tanpa batas waktu kapan Tuhan akan datang.

Bacaan injil hari ini berbicara secara gamblang tentang hal itu.

“ … Be vigilant at all times and pray…”

Lukas menegaskan kesiapsiagaan dengan alasan seperti dalam bacaan pertama di atas. Kita tidak tahu kapan Anak Manusia akan datang dan Dia bisa datang setiap saat bila Dia mau. Di sinilah alasan kenapa persiapan itu harus dilakukan karena tidak terbatas ruang dan waktunya. Tapi bukan sebaliknya.

Dengan begitu sangat penting untuk diperhatikan apa arti dari sebuah persiapan dan yang tak kurang penting adalah keaktifan dalam persiapan itu. Masa adven adalah masa di mana kita siapkan diri secara aktif. Kita tidak duduk di rumah dan tunggu sampai terjadi sesuatu tapi kita aktif menyiapkan itu oleh karena tidak jelasnya ruang dan waktu tadi dan terutama yang datang itu Tuhan sendiri. Sampai dini kiranya penting juga direnungkan bahwa karena Tuhan sendiri yang akan datang untuk memenuhi janjinya, maka jadi bagian penting dalam masa ini untuk bertanya tentang alasan kenapa Tuhan datang? Tuhan datang untuk menebus kita. Rencana itu bukanlah rencana manusia. Kalau sifat kedatangan Tuhan demikian, masa persiapan juga merupakan undangan untuk meniru Tuhan. Bagaimana? Tuhan datang untuk menebus dan setiap orang Kristen terpanggil setiap saat untuk hidup dalam rahmat itu yang antara lain seperti dihimbau oleh St. Paulus dalam bacaan kedua; undangan untuk bertambah dalam cinta dengan saling mencinta satu sama lain.

Tak perlu dijelaskan di sini tentang makna cinta itu. Yang penting untuk dingat bahwa mereka yang menyiapkan diri untuk menerima Tuhan yang adalah cinta atau yang ‘membagi’ cinta, mereka akan bertambah oleh karenanya. Tuhan sendiri yang memberikannya dan karena itu akan memenuhi setiap bejana hati dan jiwa yang mendambakan atau menantikannya.

Inilah alasan kenapa adven penting dan jadi sikap Kristen. Kita bukan hidup sebagai orang pasif yang menunggu sampai sesuatu terjadi dan kita memberikan jawaban atau tanggapan. Setiap orang Kristen selalu terpanggil dan dipanggil untuk mengambil inisiatip dalam hal apa saja tak penting apakah inisiatif itu diterima, sempurna atau tidak. Pesannya jelas: Allah telah menyampaikan itu dan Allah sendiri yang melaksanakan sampai menyelesaikannya. Soal kita adalah jika orang menunggu dalam kepasifan dengan pikiran sempit untuk biarkan Allah melakukan apa saja tanpa keterlibatan apa-apa.

Kalau Allah melihat dunia sebagai tempat realisasi keselamatan kenapa justru manusia tidak menjemputnya sebelum terlambat.

Ben Wego, svd
199 Seminary Dr.
Bay St. Louis, MS-39520

quarta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2009

O Senhor fez conhecido os Seus Caminhos...

Salmo 103

1.Bendize, ó minha alma, ao SENHOR, e tudo o que há em mim bendiga o seu santo nome.
2 Bendize, ó minha alma, ao SENHOR, e näo te esqueças de nenhum de seus benefícios.
3 Ele é o que perdoa todas as tuas iniqüidades, que sara todas as tuas enfermidades,
4 Que redime a tua vida da perdiçäo; que te coroa de benignidade e de misericórdia,
5 Que farta a tua boca de bens, de sorte que a tua mocidade se renova como a da águia.
6 O SENHOR faz justiça e juízo a todos os oprimidos.
7 Fez conhecidos os seus caminhos a Moisés, e os seus feitos aos filhos de Israel.
8 Misericordioso e piedoso é o SENHOR; longánimo e grande em benignidade.
9 Näo reprovará perpetuamente, nem para sempre reterá a sua ira.
10 Näo nos tratou segundo os nossos pecados, nem nos recompensou segundo as nossas iniqüidades.
11 Pois assim como o céu está elevado acima da terra, assim é grande a sua misericórdia para com os que o temem.
12 Assim como está longe o oriente do ocidente, assim afasta de nós as nossas transgressöes.
13 Assim como um pai se compadece de seus filhos, assim o SENHOR se compadece daqueles que o temem.
14 Pois ele conhece a nossa estrutura; lembra-se de que somos pó.
15 Quanto ao homem, os seus dias säo como a erva, como a flor do campo assim floresce.
16 Passando por ela o vento, logo se vai, e o seu lugar näo será mais conhecido.
17 Mas a misericórdia do SENHOR é desde a eternidade e até a eternidade sobre aqueles que o temem, e a sua justiça sobre os filhos dos filhos;
18 Sobre aqueles que guardam a sua aliança, e sobre os que se lembram dos seus mandamentos para os cumprir.
19 O SENHOR tem estabelecido o seu trono nos céus, e o seu reino domina sobre tudo.
20 Bendizei ao SENHOR, todos os seus anjos, vós que excedeis em força, que guardais os seus mandamentos, obedecendo à voz da sua palavra.
21 Bendizei ao SENHOR, todos os seus exércitos, vós ministros seus, que executais o seu beneplácito.
22 Bendizei ao SENHOR, todas as suas obras, em todos os lugares do seu domínio; bendize, ó minha alma, ao SENHOR.

segunda-feira, 23 de novembro de 2009

Senhor, Vós me conheces (sal. 138)

Perscutai-me, Senhor, para conhecer o meu coração
Provai-me e conhecei os meus pensamentos.


Capitulo 123

1 A ti levanto os meus olhos, ó tu que habitas nos céus.
2 Assim como os olhos dos servos atentam para as mäos dos seus senhores,
e os olhos da serva para as mäos de sua senhora,
assim os nossos olhos atentam para o SENHOR nosso Deus,
até que tenha piedade de nós.
3 Tem piedade de nós,
tem piedade de nós, pois estamos assaz fartos de desprezo.
4 A nossa alma está extremamente farta da zombaria
daqueles que estäo à sua vontade e do desprezo dos soberbos.


Capitulo 93

1 O SENHOR reina; está vestido de majestade.
O SENHOR se revestiu e cingiu de poder;
o mundo também está firmado, e näo poderá vacilar.
2 O teu trono está firme desde entäo;
tu és desde a eternidade.
3 Os rios levantam,
os rios levantam o seu ruído,
os rios levantam as suas ondas.
4 Mas o SENHOR nas alturas
é mais poderoso do que
o ruído das grandes águas e do que as grandes ondas do mar.
5 Mui fiéis säo os teus testemunhos;
a santidade convém à tua casa,
SENHOR, para sempre.


Capitulo 99

1 O SENHOR reina; tremam os povos.
Ele está assentado entre os querubins; comova-se a terra.
2 O SENHOR é grande em Siäo, e mais alto do que todos os povos.
3 Louvem o teu nome, grande e tremendo, pois é santo.
4 Também o poder do Rei ama o juízo; tu firmas a eqüidade, fazes juízo e justiça em Jacó.
5 Exaltai ao SENHOR nosso Deus, e prostrai-vos diante do escabelo de seus pés, pois é santo.
6 Moisés e Aräo, entre os seus sacerdotes, e Samuel entre os que invocam o seu nome, clamavam ao SENHOR, e Ele lhes respondia.
7 Na coluna de nuvem lhes falava; eles guardaram os seus testemunhos, e os estatutos que lhes dera.
8 Tu os escutaste, SENHOR nosso Deus: tu foste um Deus que lhes perdoaste, ainda que tomaste vingança dos seus feitos.

sábado, 14 de novembro de 2009

Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall not pass away

Year B - 33th Sunday in ordinary time

Mark 13:24-32

Matter is temporal, but the spirit is eternal. God has created the world for a purpose. Just as the farmer waits for the day of harvest, the day will come when I will come to collect the fruit of my vineyard. The materialistic man thinks that everything will end with death; this is why he tries to enjoy life to the full while ignoring the divine laws and endangering the life of his soul.

The man who acknowledges life after death knows that there will be an unknown spiritual world that does not depend of his control but of the divine will. Every human being has to be born, then he grows and eventually dies according to the will of God. No one has come back from the dead.

This is everyone’s fate. I came back from the dead because I triumphed over it; I have promised the gift of the resurrection to those who follow me. Sin is the reason for which everyone has to die, for this Adam and Eve received the sentence to return to dust from where they had been created. I have come to open the doors of the Heavenly Paradise, in which all the elected will begin their new life after the resurrection and will live in the glory of eternity.

He who meditates about his own death, feels fear of the chastisement of God for his sins, and begins to prepare himself for eternal life. My word is the seed that begins to grow and gives fruit in his soul, it warns him of danger and takes him though the way of life. There are many who are interested in knowing when the final day of the world will be. Through the centuries there have been false prophecies; and many have been deceived. I tell you sincerely, the end must come to each one on the day of his own death. This is the reason for which you must be prepared, because no one knows the day nor the hour, only my Heavenly Father, whose authority is absolute.

Regarding the end of times, there will also come that moment, but this must not be the preoccupation for the soul that looks for God. Heaven and earth will pass. Everything that is material will disappear, but my words are the words that gave origin to creation, the words of salvation, the words of eternal life that will never lose their value. He who has ears, listen.

quarta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2009

Thanksgiving for life

Blessed be the name of God Almighty who has created life for his pleasure and glory.
Blessed be God who formed me in the womb and knew me before I came into being.
Blessed be the great gift of life which I enjoy thanks to the care of my parents who brought me up by God's will.

Lord my God, author and preserver of life:
I thank you for allowing me to exist,
I thank you for having created me out of nothing and for making me a unique being,
full of gifts that reflect your image.

Thank you Lord for the world,
this wonderful stage of life which you present to ME daily.
I thank you Lord for the lives of all my brothers and sisters both alive and dead.
They will be my company in eternity before the vision of your Glory.

Thank YOU lORD for the gifts that you have bestowed upon every sister in my my congrsagation of Holly Spirit Sisters.
Thank you Lord because you call us to offer our life to You as a missionarie sisters.

Thank you Lord because " I am who I am because You are who you are ".
(Manila, 4 April, 2001)

segunda-feira, 26 de outubro de 2009

Crime is on the increase in every City throughout the world...

Lord I see how children have turned against parents because they try to teach them what is right, I see rebellion in children, young people and grown ups.
Crime is on the increase in every city throughout the world, all laws are despised and your laws are totally ignored. There is corruption even inside governments and most people will do evil at the cost of others.
Lord there is no love, no faith and no conscience. You have asked us to keep Sundays your holy day, but not even Christians put this into effect, Sunday is a day of entertainment and total forgetfulness of you, our Creator. Only a few remember you and obey your laws.
Lord, as I look around, I see how this humanity has become very evil. I see how life has lost its value, human life is destroyed even in its most vulnerable state inside the womb by the sin of abortion and countless horrible experiments destroy human embryos and ignore the gift of life in that humble stage.
The gift of human life is controlled by contraceptives, sterilization and mutilation. New life is unwelcome while the elderly run the risk of having their lives cut short by euthanasia, which is so widely accepted.
Lord, have mercy on us...

quinta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2009

I come to adore You Lord

I want to worship you and adore you,
to love you with all my heart, with all my mind,
with all my soul and with all my strength.

I want to burn with desire for you like an angel.
I need you my Lord, I am nothing without you.
I ask you to raise me before your Glory.

Shine your light upon me,
allow me to walk with you and always do your Holy Will ,
protect me and bless me O Merciful Lord.

Fill me with your Holy Spirit,
grant me peace, love and joy.
Heal me, bless me and sanctify me O Lord;
make me a blessing for all those around me.

O my GOD

O my God
because you are infinite goodness
and worthy of infinite
I love you with all my whle heart above all things
and for love of you
I love my fellow-men as myself...

quarta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2009

...the beauty...

(Foto de Kenz, SVD, Trims bos)
you show me your love
through the beauty of sky
through high of the montain
through the singin of the birth
You are here, through the silence of the day
through the smile of people
through the tender voice oh the wind...
I love You Lord...
(Casal de Cambra, 21-10-2009)

terça-feira, 20 de outubro de 2009


Yesus yang penuh kasih
syukur dan pujian
dari lubuk hatiku yang terdalam
buatMu di taman surgawi

Syukur dan terima kasihku
kunyatakan bagiMu
atas segala rahmat dan kesetiaanMu
yang senantiasa menyertai
setiap langkah hidupku

kasihMu yang telah memanggil aku
yang telah mengikat aku
kasihMu yang senantiasa melingdungi aku
dalam suka maupun duka

Terima kasih untuk
yang Tunggl
yang indah
yang sempurna
yang pasti
yang benar
yang abadi
yang penuh damai

Syukur bagiMu dan pujian
bersama Bapa
dalam Roh Kudus
kini dan sepnjang

quinta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2009

We are here Lord

You are all our joy
today we heve begotten You

quarta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2009


Bila keheningan, baik keheningan lahiriah maupun batiniah telah tercapai, maka aku akan melangkah dan mulai berjalan masuk untuk mengelilingi ruang hatiku.
Masuk ke dalam keheningan hatiku bukanlah tertidur melainkan justru berjaga, lebih meningkatkan kesadaran. Dalam kesadaran melangkah mengelilingi hatiku, aku akan menjumpai diriku.
Aku seperti berkeliling di sebuah ruangan yang berdinding cermin. Kearah manapun aku menatap, aku akan memandang diriku. Aku menemukan diriku dan mengenalinya.
Aku yang memiliki banyak kekurangan dan kelemahan. Aku yang ternyata memiliki keinginan-keinginan yang tidak teratur dan dosa-dosa.

Dalam kebebasan untuk berjalan-jalan di ruang batinku sendiri itu, aku pun akan mulai menyapu debu-debu keangkuhan, masa bodoh, iri hati dan kebencian yang melekat pada lantai ruang hatiku; menyingkirkan keinginan-keinginan tak teratur yang berserakan di ruang batinku; mengelap kaca dinding jiwaku yang suram karena kepicikan agar jernih dan memiliki kepekaan serta cinta dan pada akhirnya disana akan dilahirkan kehidupan baru - manusia baru; manusia yang mawas diri dan berusaha selalu untuk melepaskan diri dari keterikatan-keterikatan yang tidak perlu.

Di dalam keheningan ada begitu banyak hal dapat dialami.
Di dalam keheningan ada kepenuhan.

terça-feira, 13 de outubro de 2009

I love you and I bless you

Jesus: Yes my child I am here, I am in love with my creation, I have given my life for everyone of you. I continue to knock on everyone’s heart until they hear the message of my love which is to repent and to come to the God who loves you. So, proclaim the good news of my kingdom, tell them of my love for them. I love you and I bless you.

It is by my Love...

Jesus: It is by my love that you exist, it is by my Love that the whole creation exists.
Whenever you remember that you are alive, whenever you think of existence, think of my Love.
If I withdrew my love from creation it would disappear.
My Holy Spirit binds everything in my Love.
So for this reason you must love me.
This is my commandment, love me and glorify me

terça-feira, 29 de setembro de 2009


Berbahagialah semua yang dicintai, dipilih, dibentuk dan diutus

Entah di mana dan ke mana saja diutus untuk menyalurkan

Rahmat dan cintaNya kepada mereka yang membutuhkan satu kata penuh harapan

Akan mampuhkah engkau dan aku untuk tetap setia kepadaNya?

Namun engkau dan aku jangan pernah ragukan kesetiaanNya, karena

Dia yang telah memanggilmu dan memanggilku adalah setia,

Akhirnya mari kita saling meneguhkan dan

Mendoakan di Beranda Misi ini…

Indahnya hidup yang diabdikan kepada Dia yang Tunggal

Sebagai seuntai mawar yang tetap

Indah untuk menghiasi altarNya yang kudus di tengah dunia yang penuh dengan ketidakpastian ini…

Salam untuk BerandaMisi
Terima kasih untuk owner
Mendes, SSpS
Portugal, 29-9-2009

sábado, 26 de setembro de 2009


The light of candle symbolizes the light of Christ
By offering a blessing we are acknowledging our desire to help.
We offer this candle to You Lord and ask your blessings in everything, even those most difficult life challenges. Offer your blessing and release it to the universe.
We want to help others but do not always know the best way to act. Offering a blessing is a way to enlighten the situation and help US find the right answer.

Here we are Lord

We offer this flower as the symbol of our life.
May God accept it as the gift from our hearts.
Father we thank you for this opportunity to give.
We thank you for those
who have an offering to give today as well as those who have a desire to give,
but are unable to. We pray a blessing over each giver.

quarta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2009

Berita Duka dari Timor

“ Senyum tulusnya merupakan Berkat Bagi kita dan pancaran Hidupnya dalam Kasih Allah”

Para suster Terkasih,

Sr. Yuli kita yang tercinta telah meninggal dunia dengan tenang dan Damai pada tgl 16 September 2009 jam 05.30 di RSK Marianum Halilulik. Salam dan Trimakasih kita semua telah saya sampaikan pada telinganya pada saat-saat kritisnya dan Sr Yuli menggangguk dan katakan Ya… sekaligus terungkap Trimakasih dan salam untuk semua. Ia janji akan mendoaka kita semua…janjinya pasti benar akan dibuatnya.

Kepergiannya kita rasakan suatu kehilangan besar... seakan Senyum berkat Yuliana telah pergi... rahasia dan rencana Tuhan belum kita tahu, tapi yang jelas Tuhan akan memberikan berkat berlimpah bagi kita melalui peristiwa ini.Semoga masing2 kita akan menikmati rahasia berkat itu dari Tuhan. Kita percaya akan Hidup dan korbannya telah menghantar putri Tersayang Tuhan masuk surga dan tinggal dalam kasihNya...demikian moto hidupnya. Kita tetap berdoa semoga jiwanya sungguh tinggal dalam Kasih Tuhan.

Para Suster Terkasih, uoacara penguburan akan dilaksanakan pada Jumat tgl 18 Sptember 2009, Sebelumnya upacara pelepasan di kapela biara pada jam 07 00 pagi.
Riwayat singkatnya akan dikirim kemudian.

Salam dan doa
Sr. Kristin M




Sr. Yuli ytc, 18 thn yang lalu ketika saya menginjak kakiku di Biara Halilulik engkau dengan senyumanmu yang manis dan hati keibuanmu yang sebesar samudra, mengatakan, “SELAMAT DATANG ADIK, MARI DAN MELIHAT”. Mulai saat itu saya merasa “at home” dalam Kongregasi Misi Abdi Rok Kudus. Setiap hari dalam membimbing dan membentuk diriku engkau selalu memberi yang terbaik darimu sendiri. Perjuanganmu tampah pamrih, demi aku mampuh menjadi Abdi Roh Kusus yang baik seperti dikehendaki oleh Kongregasi kita.

Setiap hari dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar dengan hatimu yang begitu sabar dengan mengajarku untuk berbicara bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar, supaya aku bisah mampu mengunkapkan diriku sebagai seorang calon Abdi Roh Kudus...

Saya ingat saat di hari-hari pertama saya mencoba berdoa dalam bahasa Indonesia dan teman-temanku meyertawakan saya namun sr. Yuli katakana; Mendes, tidak apa-apa, jangan takut, kau akan tahu bahasa Indonesia seperti mereka ini…dan sebagainya.

Setiap kata yang dikau ungkapkan bagiku, selalu membawa harapan dan keteguhan baru .
Sesudah perutusan ke misi, setiap kali ada kecempatan engkau selalu mengirim satu kartu yang penuh dukungan. Terima kasih suster untuk semuanya itu.

Dua kali liburanku di Timor Provinci engkau selalu memberi kekuatan baru. Saya masih ingat di liburanku pertama thn 2005, di Halilulik di saat saya katakan; “Sr. Yuli, rasanya seperti mau tinggal terus sudah di Halilulk sini”, dengan begitu spontan Sr. Katakan, “adik,kau tidak berjalan sendirian di misi Portugal, semua suster di Provinci ini ada bersamamu dalam doa dan kurban setiap hari” kita senang bahwa adik kembali ke misi yang membutuhkanmu di sana”.

Tahun lalu di saat saya berlibur saya tidak sangkah bahwa itu adalah pertemuan terakhir denganmu. Banyak pesan dan kesanmu yang engkau ungkapkan kepadaku sebagai bekal perjalanan untuk mengantar saya kembali ke misiku di Portugal sini.

Sesudah mendengar bahwa suster mulai sakit, pada bulan Maret saya masih menerima SMS darimu yang katakan “adik, doakanlah saya supaya dalam pengobatanku ini boleh mengalami perubahan dan juga kita selalu pasra pada kehendakNya yang Kudus”.

Sr. Yuli, sekali lagi terima kasih berlimpah, doakanlah saya semoga saya mampuh meneladani segala kesaksian hidupmu di dalam hidup dan karyaku setiap hari.
Engkau telah pergi untuk selama-lamanya namun namamu akan tetap hidup dalam hatiku dan engkau tetap hadir bersamamku dalam misi dan perutusanku seperti engkau sendiri katakan di saat-saat ada wawancara denganmu.

Walau engkau pergi untuk selamanya namun namamu dan senyumanmu yang manis akan tetap hidup di hatiku

Salam dan doa
Anak bimbingamu

domingo, 13 de setembro de 2009

Triumph of the Cross - As Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of man be lifted up.

John 3:13-17

No one has the power to raise his soul and go up to heaven, except I, the Son of God, who came from heaven and ascended after my resurrection.
A human being lacks all supernatural power. It is by the will of God that the physical and spiritual creation exists. Higher than the human body is the mind, higher still are the soul and the spirit. The soul registers good and evil; it is like a mirror that reflects what is good and bad, the immaterial body whose center is the spirit.
The spirit is pure and divine by essence, since it is the image and likeness of God by which all his children have been created.

Moses raised the bronze serpent on a standard so that everyone who looked upon it would be healed of the mortal bites of the serpents that God sent as punishment for sin and rebellion. I was crucified, to receive the punishment for the sins of all humanity, this way all the evil of the world was healed though my death on the cross; for this reason every one who raises his eyes over my crucified body imploring mercy for his sins, is healed of the evil poison that he carries in his soul.
He who believes in me obtains pardon and freedom from sin. After the death of the flesh, he receives my resurrection and I will raise him up to the Glory of my Heavenly Kingdom; something that I alone can do.
The love of God is infinitely great; it’s superabundant in charity and full of mercy. My Father loved the world so much, that He sent me, so that in my human nature I could receive the punishment for sin.
Because of sin, the offense committed against God is infinite; there never existed on the earth an offering of infinite value to pay this debt. My Father in his infinite Love and Mercy decided to forgive sins through my offering on the cross. As a man I suffered the humiliation, the rejection and the punishment for the human sins that sent me to my death. As God, I overcame sin, I overcame satan and I overcame death, I obtained a complete victory for the human race and I opened the way for all those who want to follow me.

With my resurrection I gave testimony of my power as God, with my Ascension I opened the doors of heaven to all those who being faithful to my words accept the call and come to me.
I have not come to judge or to condemn; I have come to give hope and to save. Everyone who desires a part in my kingdom must know the way of the cross and must eat of my flesh and drink of my blood in order to obtain eternal life.

quinta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2009

Thanks Lord

I enjoy the stillness and calm,
Watching as she smiles and dreams;
She brings me to stillness and peace,
Like that of a slow flowing stream.

sexta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2009

Living in the Presence of God

The fulfillment of the soul is to find God, and to live in His Presence. Finding God means finding the pearl of great value of the Gospel. Blessed is He who finds God in his life, he has found the treasure of infinite value that gives hope, peace and joy in this world and the fatherly reassurance of salvation for our next life. But to find him is merely a path, a way of desire, and this is what Jesus has offered us. It is like walking on a tight rope, with the danger of falling into the abyss at anytime. Jesus has promised to help us when he said: I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6).

To live in the Presence of God means to be made righteous and justified by our faith in Jesus Christ the Son of God, who has offered us salvation if we repent of our sins, deny ourselves, take up our crosses daily and follow him. Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Since we have offered our intelligence and our flesh to sin, we must renounce that sin and accept Christ as the ruler of our lives, we must desire to learn from him who is meek and humble of heart. No one can be in the Presence of God unless he or she repents of all past sins, and come before Him with a sincere and contrite heart. Sincerity means identifying sin and feeling ashamed of it, it really means a commitment to change, which is very difficult, and can not be made alone. Holiness is not something that any human being can acquire by prayers or charity works only, it is a state of the soul which only God can measure.

Prayer is conversation with God and we need to pray always without losing heart (Luke 18:1), prayer is the fuel to the fire of our faith, no prayer, no fire; no fire, no light; no light and we are in darkness.

When God refers to tithing or to paying ten per cent he refers to giving 10 per cent of our time to Him in prayer and good works, this means over two hours daily dedicated to prayer and other religious activities. But we gladly spend countless hours behind the television set feeding our souls with garbage than spend time with God. Our sanctification means giving time to God in prayer, to people in need as we do good works, it means also giving alms and sharing our good fortune with those less fortunate, it means sharing our happiness by smiling and being pleasant to everyone, it means becoming the light of Christ in this world of darkness.Humility is the key to the treasure of wisdom and holiness bound within, it can be open after long perseverance. But many are mistakenly covered with a false humility that attracts the praise of men.

It is very common for spiritual people to fall into the trap of believing in their own humility and holiness which in reality is a false belief, the destruction of the soul. Unless God builds the house, the builder works in vain (Psalm 127:1). My opinion, or the opinion of others regarding my humility or my closeness to God is of no value, what really matters is how God sees me. He is my creator, he is my judge and he is the dispenser of the grace that makes me holy, therefore I have to be with Saint Paul working my salvation with fear and trembling, since there is nothing good within my flesh, and the only goodness in me is the spirit of God that is always accusing me of sin. Being guided by the spirit to do what is good and to hate what is evil, the souls embarks in a journey in the Presence of God.

The road is narrow and difficult, only a few will find it and even those who find it may easily go astray if they don't persevere. To live in the Presence of God, we must live our faith by prayer, the reception of the sacraments of the Catholic Church and works of charity. Let us come before God many times during the day to praise him and thank him for his infinite majesty, glory and mercy, let us come confidently to be blessed by him.

And looking up to heaven, he groaned, and said to him: Ephpheta, which is, Be opened.

Year B - 23rd Sunday in ordinary time

And looking up to heaven, he groaned, and said to him: Ephpheta, which is, Be opened.
Mark 7:31-37

Everyone marveled at my miracles when they realized the power of God manifested in such a supernatural manner. But miracles were not the reason for my coming to the world; they were just an indication to confirm the Word of God made flesh. How many went totally unaware before the heavenly portents that were taking place before them, because, as in all generations, many people preferred to live according to the laws of the flesh and despised the call of God. My signs demonstrated clearly that I was someone special, the Messiah who was awaited for thousands of years by the Israelites for their liberation. My words were always backed by my power, since I am the Word of God, He who said “Let there be light, and the light was made.”

The divine powers continue to manifest daily, since my word sustains creation by the work of my Holy Spirit. The Divine Mercy is patient and allows human beings to experience God through the triple testimony: of the Father, through creation; of the Son through redemption and of the Holy Spirit though the continuous manifestation of God in each heart. My Word does not go unaware by any human being, I speak constantly in each heart through my Spirit, I knock on the door inviting the soul to awake spiritually so that it will prepare through my commandments to know me, love me and serve me. God does not need anybody, however everybody needs God. He who wishes to know me comes close to me and begins the spiritual life.

He who loves me receives my love and grows spiritually in holiness. He who serves me receives a reward infinitely greater than his effort. Nothing exists without the divine consent, and nothing occurs without the permission of the Divine Providence. The offering that I make is for the good of the soul, for the temporal human benefit and for the eternal heavenly reward.

My glory is the humility and obedience of all the souls who upon hearing my Word understand the value of my call and follow me. The miracle of the deaf mute is very significant spiritually, since the majority of human beings suffer spiritual deafness when they reject my voice and spiritual muteness when they don’t speak to me, when they don’t react before the divine greatness expressing their thanksgiving, fidelity and praise. You, who receive these words, “If today you hear my word, harden not your heart”.

The joy of life...

You are all my joy
Today I have begotteng you

...for He is the living and perfect...

It spring from their silence

And their suffering

Because the carries it all in him

Like a seed

The Spring of Life

We will go on a pilgrimage

To the springs that flow

In the depths of your being...

quinta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2009

Father's Love Letter

My Child
You may not know me,
but I know everything about you ~ Psalm 139:1
I know when you sit down and when you rise up ~ Psalm 139:2
I am familiar with all your ways ~ Psalm 139:3
Even the very hairs on your head are numbered ~ Matthew 10:29-31
For you were made in my image ~ Genesis 1:27
In me you live and move and have your being ~ Acts 17:28
For you are my offspring ~ Acts 17:28
I knew you even before you were conceived ~ Jeremiah 1:4-5
I chose you when I planned creation ~ Ephesians 1:11-12
You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my book ~ Psalm 139:15-16I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live ~ Acts 17:26
You are fearfully and wonderfully made ~ Psalm 139:14
I knit you together in your mother's womb ~ Psalm 139:13
And brought you forth on the day you were born ~ Psalm 71:6
I have been misrepresented by those who don't know me ~ John 8:41-44
I am not distant and angry, but am the complete expression of love ~ 1 John 4:16
And it is my desire to lavish my love on you ~ 1 John 3:1
Simply because you are my child and I am your father ~ 1 John 3:1
I offer you more than your earthly father ever could ~ Matthew 7:11
For I am the perfect father ~ Matthew 5:48
Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand ~ James 1:17
For I am your provider and I meet all your needs ~ Matthew 6:31-33
My plan for your future has always been filled with hope ~ Jeremiah 29:11
Because I love you with an everlasting love ~ Jeremiah 31:3
My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore ~ Psalm 139:17-18
And I rejoice over you with singing ~ Zephaniah 3:17
I will never stop doing good to you ~ Jeremiah 32:40
For you are my treasured possession ~ Exodus 19:5
I desire to establish you with all my heart and all my soul ~ Jeremiah 32:41
And I want to show you great and marvelous things ~ Jeremiah 33:3
If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me ~ Deuteronomy 4:29
Delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart ~ Psalm 37:4
For it is I who gave you those desires ~ Philippians 2:13
I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine ~ Ephesians 3:20
For I am your greatest encourager ~ 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
I am also the Father who comforts you in all your troubles ~ 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
When you are brokenhearted, I am close to you ~ Psalm 34:18
As a shepherd carries a lamb, I have carried you close to my heart ~ Isaiah 40:11
One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes ~ Revelation 21:3-4
And I'll take away all the pain you have suffered on this earth ~ Revelation 21:3-4
I am your Father, and I love you even as I love my son, Jesus ~ John 17:23
For in Jesus, my love for you is revealed ~ John 17:26
He is the exact representation of my being ~ Hebrews 1:3
He came to demonstrate that I am for you, not against you ~ Romans 8:31
And to tell you that I am not counting your sins ~ 2 Corinthians 5:18-19
Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled ~ 2 Corinthians 5:18-19
His death was the ultimate expression of my love for you ~ 1 John 4:10
I gave up everything I loved that I might gain your love ~ Romans 8:31-32
If you receive the gift of my son Jesus, you receive me ~ 1 John 2:23
And nothing will ever separate you from my love again ~ Romans 8:38-39
Come home and I'll throw the biggest party heaven has ever seen ~ Luke 15:7
I have always been Father, and will always be Father ~ Ephesians 3:14-15
My question is ~ Will you be my child? ~ John 1:12-13
I am waiting for you ~ Luke 15:11-32
Love, Your Dad, Almighty God

sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009

Give praise to Lord

Psalm 117:1-6 DR - Others Psalm 118:1-6

1 Give praise to Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. 2 Let Israel now say that he is good: that his mercy endureth for ever. 3 Let the house of Aaron now say, that his mercy endureth for ever. 4 Let them that fear the Lord now say, that his mercy endureth for ever. 5 In my trouble I called upon the Lord: and the Lord heard me, and enlarged me. 6 The Lord is my helper, I will not fear what man can do unto me.

You are the Christ, the Son of God.

John 6:61-70

Many of my disciples rejected my teachings because they did not stop to think where they were coming from, many still doubt because they don’t understand that I speak not just as a human being, but as the Word of God. All my teachings present a challenge to those who listen to me and everyone who listens must change so that he can be my disciple.
My words are spirit and life; spirit because they come from God and life because they have the promise of salvation to those who receive them with a humble heart.
The human body and all the human activities have a temporal mission which are part of the plan that God has for the soul; the soul which is spiritual, contains the breath of God, needs to be guided by my Word which is Spirit, and needs to receive life that can only be obtained from me, who am Life.
The man of the world is satisfied with the things of the world, by contrast, he who listens to my word becomes spiritual and wishes to know me more and more, therefore he is filled with hunger and thirst for the spirit and can only be satiated when he finds me.
My words quench the thirst of the soul, however the soul must feed of me with the spiritual food on the Eucharistic table of the Church. This language remains hard to accept for all those who are too intellectual, this is why only those who have a humble heart are called by my Father and thus, filled with faith they come to me to receive eternal life.
Peter recognized the value of my Word, the same as my faithful followers. My words are words of eternal life; they are not only words, but the Voice of God that speaks in spirit to the soul. Many still argue about the value of my Word, and misinterpret it coming to erroneous conclusions.
He who desires to know me, must come to the fountain of life that I have left in the Church, where my word is fulfilled and there is a daily offering of the perpetual sacrifice that takes away the sins of the world; where bread and wine is consecrated as my flesh and blood for the life of the soul.

sexta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2009



Cinta itu "kata orang sebuah sungai,
buluh halus hanyut di dalamnya"
Cinta itu kata orang " pisau tajam menayat hati
Cinta itu kata orang "rasa lapar
seperti kehausan yang tak tertahankan"
Cinta itu kataku " sebuah bunga,
dan kau adalah benihnya"


Some say “love, i tis a river
That drowns the tender reed”.
Some say “ love, it is a razor
That leaves your soul to bleed”.
Some say “love it is a hunger,
an endless aching need".
I say "love, it is a flower
and you its only seed”.

Becoming like Jesus Christ - Our Lord - and Saviour

"Become like unto me", says our Lord Jesus Christ. Be Holy as I am Holy. (Leviticus 11:44)

How can we become like Jesus Christ? Jesus is the reflection of the Father, the splendor or Holiness, Glory and Majesty. If we look at Jesus we also look at God the Father (John 14:8). If we look at an image of Jesus we can feel something very extraordinary about Him, and we may ponder what it would be like, to be with the God man and to become like Him.

If we study the Gospels, then we can have a clearer image of the virtues and personality of Jesus and we can sense the Divine attributes in Him.
To become like something we must be impregnated with that substance, for example, if we dip our hands in water we get wet, if we place our hands in fire we get burned.

We have a saying "you are what you eat" and this holds true when we receive Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. We eat Jesus' flesh and we become like Him who is eternal life. Jesus said unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you shall not have life within you (John 6:52). He truly desires to impregnate us with his flesh and blood, to purify us so that we become like Him.

Now, if we also come in the Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ and contemplate his attributes, we begin to absorb or rather to experience the reflection of Holiness that God desires to share with all those who come to Him. "Be Holy as I am Holy". Moses shone with dazzling light after he was exposed to the Presence of God in the burning bush (Exodus 34:29). St. Stephen's face shone with the reflection of the Heavenly Light he saw when he was being martyred for Christ (Acts 7:54-55).

We have lost the image of God in our souls through the sin of our first parents and then through our own sinfulness. Christ has come to restore us to holiness in his image. So if we come before the divine attributes of the Incarnate Word of God, the virtues of Christ the man and the qualities of his perfect personality, we have a better picture of Jesus and we can acknowledge him as the perfect image that we desire for our souls.

This type of reflection involves meditation and a very profound sincere interest in becoming like Jesus. God alone is good and He is the source of all goodness. If we possess a good quality, say for example patience, it is because this has come to perfection through our own hard work and perseverance, aided by the grace of God Who desires us to be patient as He is patient. The same applies to every good quality that we wish to posses.

If we want to become like Jesus Christ Our Lord, we must desire to possess all his human qualities, plus all his divine attributes which are unique to God. They must be reflected upon our souls in order that we may become what God wants us to be: "his own reflection". While this sounds very desirable but difficult, we need to do our work by amending our lives and by practicing living in the Presence of God. We can start by saying like Jesus, the flesh is weak but the Spirit God has given us is strong.

In order to make ourselves available to this great work of God for us, we must come humbly before Him with a repentant heart and with a desire to become like Jesus Christ. Then He can save our souls, make us his instruments and prepare us to do his work.

Thank you Jesus, You are Precious Blood. Thank you Jesus, be my Blood. Jesus, I desire Your Blood to be my Blood. I need Your Blood to be my Blood. Please reveal Your Presence.I ask you this through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.Amen.

Be still and know that I am God. (Ps 46:10)

Besides all our normal devotions, the practice of charity and the reception of the sacraments, we must spend some daily time in quiet meditation.
We are bodies with a mind, soul and spirit, God is Spirit. In order to become like God we must spiritualize ourselves, that is, we must try to become like Him so that the Holy Spirit can manifest in our lives more actively. When we pray we must be true worshipers that worship in spirit and in truth. (John 4:24) We must live every word we pray, we must mean every word we say.

The Holy Spirit is described by Jesus as the spring of living water in a man's heart that dwells up to Eternal Life (John 4:14). When God looks at that water, He normally finds a storm taking place in our souls because of our self love. It is then desirable that we relax and become very serene, so that He will gaze at a lake of inner peace, a surface without any ripples which like a mirror is ready to absorb the attributes and qualities He longs to reflect upon us.

Our spirits must rise in adoration before God, and they will help us to pray. (Rom 8:26) In order to reach great spiritual heights, we must stop everything when we do our meditations, we must relax and sit comfortably.

We must breath deeply in and out a few times before we pray, we must slow down all the body and mind activities. God is the author of life, his life beats in our hearts every moment. How beautiful it is to meditate on our heart beats realizing that God is giving us life.

He that eats my flesh, and drink my blood, has everlasting lafe...!

Year B - 20th Sunday in ordinary time (16-08-2009)

He that eats my flesh, and drinks my blood, has everlasting life: and I will raise him up in the last day.

John 6:51-59

I am the celestial food that has come down from heaven to feed the spiritual body - the soul. I have come to the world to offer my flesh as food and my blood as drink, a concept that the human mind associates cannibalism. This new teaching created confusion among those who heard me for the first time and doubted my holy word; this is the reason why many of my followers decided to reject me.

I, the Word of God, by the work of the Holy Spirit, became flesh in the womb of the Virgin Mary; this in itself is a great miracle of God, then I offered myself as food for the soul, that guarantees the resurrection and eternal life, this is the greatest miracle that I performed and that I continue performing. After that, I submitted myself to death on the cross as a sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins, thus fulfilling my mission as Saviour in order to liberate the human race.

Using my authority as God, I consecrated my body as food and my blood as drink, when I instituted the Sacrament of Thanksgiving - the Eucharist. I stated, with my power as the Word of God, that I am the bread of Life, that this bread is my body and that my flesh is true food; that the consecrated wine is my blood which is true drink, and that by doing this in memory of me, when you eat and drink of me, you are feeding your souls for everlasting life.

I said this several times, not because my Word needs to be repeated to be accomplished, but because you are very hard of heart to understand and because I wanted to leave this totally clear, since the banquette sent from heaven for the salvation of humanity had a very high price which was my death on the cross, with which I completed my redemptive mission.

Physical food is necessary to sustain the physical body. I came to emphasize the existence of the soul, and to provide the food for its existence. God created the universe and sustains it with His Love through the power of the Holy Spirit. God created man with a pure spirit in Paradise, but sin tainted it and caused death, for this reason I have come to offer everlasting life, by the forgiveness of sins and by my offering as food for the life of the soul. He who eats my flesh and drinks by blood will live forever. I will resurrect him on the last day and He will participate in the joy of my Kingdom.

quinta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2009

Fátima terra da Nossa Senhora mãe de Jesus

Os timorenses re-encontraram em Fátima depois de alguns tempos chegaram em Portugal.
As irmãs missionárias Servas do Espírito santo, as irmãs Canossianas e os seminaristas de Ordo Carmel que neste momento estão no Porto para a formação para a vida sacerdotal.

segunda-feira, 10 de agosto de 2009

God is Love

Thanks Lord
for the grace of your love
Thanks for everything
You are my God now and forever

domingo, 9 de agosto de 2009

I am the bread of life

Juan 6:41-51

41 The Jews therefore murmured at him, because he had said: I am the living bread which came down from heaven. 42 And they said: Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How then can he say, I came down from heaven? 43 Jesus therefore answered, and said to them: Murmur not among yourselves. 44 No man can come to me, except the Father, who has sent me, draw him; and I will raise him up in the last day. 45 It is written in the prophets: And they shall all be taught of God. Every one that has heard of the Father, and has learned, comes to me. 46 Not that any man has seen the Father; but he who is of God, he has seen the Father. 47 Amen, amen I say unto you: He that believeth in me has everlasting life. 48 I am the bread of life. 49 Your fathers did eat manna in the desert, and are dead. 50 This is the bread, which comes down from heaven; that if any man eats of it, he may not die. 51 I am the living bread, which came down from heaven.


It is a great difficulty for humanity to believe in a person claiming to be sent by God the Almighty, for this reason all the prophets fell into the hands of their enemies, since very few people were able to give welcome to their teachings and receive the gift that God had sent them. In my case, I was born of the Virgin Mary in a conception not done with human seed but with the direct intervention of the Holy Spirit, my mother was chosen to participate in this event because of her unique purity and the privilege of having been borne exempt from original sin.

My human existence was part of the eternal existence that I share as God with my Father and the Holy Spirit, who is in us; my mission on earth was that of teaching, forgiving and redeeming the humanity, that had rebelliously rejected the gifts of God manifested through the prophets. I brought perfection and fulfillment to their teachings because I am the same Word of God.

By the Will of my Father, I assumed human nature, humiliating myself to the lowliness of humanity in order to pay for all the sins committed by the human race. The only way to accomplish redemption was by offering myself in sacrifice to the Heavenly Father for all sins.

For this, every one would have to follow my teachings, since I was not going to be on this earth permanently in my bodily state. I have come to invite you all to ascend to my Heavenly Kingdom; I have provided the means through my mystical body, the Church. Flesh and blood cannot enter Heaven and the body has to die as a consequence of sin, this was established in Paradise after the original sin. I came from Heaven and even though I could have ascended in my physical body, since there was no sin in me, I chose to sacrifice my human nature, shedding my blood on the cross to justify Divine Justice and to open the way to Heaven.

With my death and my resurrection, I liberated humanity from death and I assured them of the resurrection, I overcame Satan, the tempter that leads to death and I established the new creation of the children of God, in which all have to eat of my flesh and drink of my blood to be purified from sin and to deserve eternal life. For this reason I said that the bread that I was going to give them would be my own flesh which would give them life, I made this very clear, “I am the living bread that has come down from Heaven”, so that He who eats of my flesh and drinks my blood may have eternal life. He who is baptized and believes will be saved; he who rejects me is rejecting his own salvation.

He who rejects the priest anointed by my apostles is rejecting me and despising the living bread that I offer through Him